Program Learning Outcome (PLO)


In an effort to support the formation of competent graduates, the Animal Science Study Program developed learning objectives (PLO). PLO is a competency that must be possessed by every graduate which is compiled by involving internal and external parties. Internal parties are lecturers, students, and the academic team, while external parties are alumni, recent graduates who have worked, and related stakeholder institutions. The Animal Husbandry Study Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) Program consists of 10 points which are shown in Table 1.

PLO1 Has international standard knowledge in effective and efficient animal husbandry science and technology, including breeding, livestock management, feed technology, processing livestock products and managing a sustainable livestock production system.
PLO2 Has knowledge of the principles of leadership, communication and management of livestock resources as well as the development of the latest knowledge so as to be able to apply them in the world of work
PLO3 Mastering the concept of solving animal husbandry problems based on science with scientific methods
PLO4 Able to apply logical, critical, innovative, quality, and measurable thinking in carrying out types of work in the field of animal husbandry in accordance with work competency standards
PLO5 Able to make decisions appropriately in the context of problem solving in their area of ​​expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis;
PLO6 Able to study the implications of developing or implementing scientific technology in accordance with their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics in order to produce solutions and ideas in preparing scientific descriptions of the results of their studies in the form of a thesis or final project report.
PLO7 Able to apply the latest livestock technology and information technology oriented to increase production, efficiency, quality and sustainability based on livestock, including breeding, feed, animal product processing, and management of sustainable livestock production systems.
PLO8 Able to plan, design, implement and evaluate effective and efficient livestock production systems both individually and in teams with a multidisciplinary approach and be able to be responsible for team performance results
PLO09 Have an attitude of respect for differences in cultures, views, religions, beliefs, opinions and original findings of others
PLO10 Internalize academic values, norms and ethics and be responsible in their fields of expertise with an independent, resilient and entrepreneurial spirit.