
About Us

Study program of animal science was founded in 1998 by decree of the director general of higher education 446/DIKTI/Kep/1997 about the establishment of study program of animal husbandry undergraduate (S1) in the faculty of agriculture Sebelas Maret University dated December 5th 1997. Subsequently calculated from the date April 26th 2006 changed the status of study program becomes department/study program of animal husbandry based on the decree of rector sebelas maret university 258/J27/PP/2006 about the change in status of study program of animal husbandry becomes department / study program at the faculty of agriculture, dated April 26th 2006 with decree of the Director General of Higher Education with Decree no 319/D/T/2007 about changing the name of study program of animal production becomes study program of animal husbandrys on the February 13th 2007. Study program of animal husbandry consists of four laboratory, namely:

  1. Laboratory animal production
  2. Laboratory animal nutrition and feed
  3. Laboratory socioeconomic of animal husbandry
  4. Laboratory animal product processing industry

The study program has a laboratory animal husbandry field studies (experimental farm) that can be used for research. This laboratory is located in Jatikuwung village, Gondangrejo subdistrict, Karanganyar Regency.